Thursday, October 18, 2012

Konkan Railway Corporation Limited System Programmer (IT) Recruitment

Konkan Railway Corporation Limited  invited applications from eligible land loser candidates (Self/Sons/Spouse/Unmarried daughters /Grand Sons/Unmarried Grand Daughters only), whose land has been acquired for Konkan Railway project, irrespective of the percentage of land lost and from only SC/ST candidates from other than land losers also registered with the Employment Exchanges along Konkan Railway route within the jurisdiction of Konkan Railway Corporation Ltd.

System Programmer (IT): 20posts

Qualification & Experience: 
i) Three (03) years Diploma from recognized Technical Board in Computer Science/Electronics/Computer Applications having minimum 70% marks obtained in final examination and 2 years of working experience in the field of IT.
ii) Candidates appearing at and/or awaiting result are not eligible. Candidates with no work experience are not eligible. Applications not accompanied with certificates of each year for above qualification and work experience will be rejected

How to apply: The complete application in the prescribe format can be down lode form the website: and The duly filled in applications along with all relevant document should be submitted to Dy. Chief Personnel Officer (Welfare), Konkan Railway Corporation Ltd, Belapur Bhavan, Sec-11, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai-400614

Last date: 09.11.2012

For more details Click here

1 comment:

  1. when examinition held of system programmer.
